Update to Academy Families — April 8, 2022

Bell tower an flag
April 8, 2022

Dear St. Johnsbury Academy Families,


Since our last update we have had more than our share of tragedy here at the Academy. Between March 25th and April 1st we lost two beloved community members, both unexpectedly—one a custodian and alum from the 90s, the other a recent graduate and daughter of two employees. Once again, our community is holding those closest who most need holding, loving those most who need it most, and once again I am in awe of the resilience we see in so many right now.


There will be a Celebration of Life for Jillian Hegarty, ‘20, today, Friday, April 8th, at 2 pm. For those of you who may not be able to attend but wish to watch the link is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGRt7fELWgTUMkKuDel4pZg/featured


As we head toward the April Break, which begins next Friday, April 15th—and for the rest of the semester—please help us to make sure that your students are in school. We are having a truly shocking number of absences this year, and we are eager both to figure out why and to address the problem. Your partnership is crucial, so I will be in touch after the break about some opportunities for us to connect–we need to hear from you about what you’re seeing with your children, and then work together to overcome the obstacles to good attendance, whatever they are.


All of this said, it has been wonderful to be together in the dining hall this week, and we look forward to starting in-person chapels next week as well. These next few weeks will fly by with exciting things like the Fashion Show, Capstone Day, lots of games and concerts and “Mamma Mia!” Here is a reminder of the remaining semester’s calendar.


Friday, April 8, 2:00 pm

Service for Jillian Hegarty, Fuller Hall and South Church


Sunday, April 10, 3:00 pm

National Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Fuller Hall

The event will be streamed live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGRt7fELWgTUMkKuDel4pZg/featured


Wednesday, April 13

SAT/PSAT Testing day—for registered juniors and seniors


Thursday, April 14

Fashion Show, Fuller Hall


Friday, April 15

Spring Break Begins

SBAC Testing for Vermont Juniors 8 am-12 pm


Monday, April 25

Classes Resume


Thursday, April 28

Interim Grades emailed and mailed


Friday, April 29

Capstone Day

Freshman Challenge Day

Sophomore Stewardship Day


Sunday, May 1

ResFest (for resident students)


Monday, May 2

AP Exams Begin (through May 13th)


Friday, May 20



Monday, May 23–Friday, May 27

FINAL EXAMS (Exam Schedule to follow) Exam Make-ups on May 31st


Wednesday, June 1

Last Day of Classes

Last Chapel

Senior Week Begins (Please see Event Schedule)


Monday, June 6



Families of Seniors should have received the schedule of events for the “Senior Week” this year, to include Senior Breakfast, Baccalaureate, and Prom, among other things. The caps and gowns have been delivered, and will be distributed to seniors in May–we’re almost there!


Please always feel free to be in touch, and take good care,


Dr. Howell

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