Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

February 18, 2025

Green Day


Cough, cough* Ugh! It’s that time of year when we all lose our voices! I can barely talk right now. I, for sure, can’t sing! But guess what — I don’t need to have a voice in order to participate in the Lip Sync Battle on March 13th! I’ll just mouth along to Taylor Swift. You should come to the Lip Sync Battle too, hosted by our very own Junior class! Come to perform or just watch! Sign-up details can be found on posters around campus or with Mr. O’Brien and the Junior class council. Thursday, March 13th. No voice necessary!


Do you enjoy swimming? Do you like working with kids? Would you be interested in becoming a lifeguard this summer at the Kiwanis Pool? If so, please contact Ms. Meranze in person or via email! Returning lifeguards should reach out as well. We’re excited to build our team for this summer!


Erica Heilman of Rumble Strip is visiting campus tomorrow from A through C Block. She will be speaking about classism, storytelling, and local reporting in Vermont to a large group of students in Fuller Basement. Erica is a Vermont native and renowned journalist who invites herself into people’s homes and has uncommon conversations with everyday people. If any students or teachers are interested in attending, please let Mr. Keffer or Mr. Quinn know. 


Congratulations to the top scores on contest 5 of the New England Math League who all scored 5 out of 6 points: Rosty Khromenkov, Isaac Lenzini, and Mo Lu. We earned a team score of 23 out of 30! The final contest will be held on Tuesday, March 11.


Eight Science Olympians attended the Dartmouth Invitational on Saturday and competed against 15 other teams. The SJA Olympians had some great event performances — Donley Johnson, Zeze Davis, and Charlie Peralez earned Silver Medals in the Dynamic Planet and Optics events. Bronze Medals were earned by Zeze, Charlie, and Paulie Xin in the Astronomy, Anatomy, and Codebuster events.  


Congratulations to Emmet Johnson who was named the 24-25 Vermont Gatorade Boys Cross Country Player of the Year! Emmet is only the third Hilltopper boy to receive this award for Cross Country. Congratulations, Emmet!


The Gymnastics team earned a 2nd place team finish at the State Championships held at CVU on Saturday morning. With a huge all-around score, Lydia Ruggles earned first place for the second year in a row. She is only the second gymnast in the State to earn first place all-around two years in a row. The team score was helped by Zoë Glentz Brush who finished out her senior year with another solid beam routine and Kaydance Rathburn who added to the team’s points on floor. Hannah Wood held her own with the upperclassmen and placed 4th all around and is now the reigning beam State Champion, placing first! Congratulations to the entire team on a successful season!


The Bowling team finished up the regular season in the Central Division regional finals on Saturday. They took the no. 1 seed into match play, and beat Craftsbury in 2 games, but lost to Randolph in the final match. Rory Nott had his best day yet, bowling 200 and 203 in his individual games, and he had a strong performance in match play. Five Hilltopper bowlers qualified for individual finals on the weekend, including Rory, Keagan Norrie, and Conor Simonds. 


A special Happy Belated Birthday to Ms. Kramer who celebrated her birthday on Saturday! Happy Belated Birthday yesterday to Liam Bresnahan, Scarlette Cheripinsky, Kasey Greaves, and Maddie Ross!  


Happy Birthday today to Dominic Robinson-Jimenez and Celia Sanchez Garcia Valenzuela!