Welcome Academy Alumni!
We are pleased you have chosen to stay in touch and check up on your alma mater through our website.
If you haven’t had a chance to visit the Straszko Alumni Center at Graham’s House, we hope you do. Esther Beck Straszko ’35 provided the funds necessary to renovate the family home Graham Newell ’33 left to the Academy in 2008. In memory of Esther, her husband, Edmund, and her sister, Marian Beck ’37, Esther felt strongly that the great alumni of St. Johnsbury Academy have a place on campus to call their own. The Straszko Alumni Center celebrated their grand opening on June 2, 2012.
Esther’s generosity is just one example of what our alumni do to take care of our school. As a group, you span the globe and have enriched the lives of generations of students through your gifts and donations. My own children have benefitted from the Academy tradition of those who came before providing for those who come after.
Once again, welcome. Enjoy your tour around this site, and share your latest news with friends both here and abroad. We encourage you to stop by and say hello whenever you are in the area. Strong personal relationships make for a strong alumni and, ultimately, a strong Academy.