Model UN Team Travels to Boston

The Academy’s Model United Nations club traveled to Boston for a model UN conference hosted by students at MIT. This conference was attended by groups from as far away as London and California. The Academy’s delegation conducted itself with distinction on committees that problem-solved topics as varied as modern slave labor and the extraction of resources from the moon. The Academy’s delegation was composed of Maaike Dam ’24, Carson Farnham ’26, Evelyn Zhao ’25, Liam Markey ’23, Laura Ponoran ’24, Vishesh Prasad ’24, Ceylin Sutcu ’23, Max Weber ’23. Three of our delegates received prizes. Eric Chen ’23 was named the outstanding delegate on the Human Rights Committee, Kanan Gasimov ’24 was named the outstanding delegate on the disarmament and security committee, and Hannah MacDonald ’23 was named the outstanding delegate on the Security Council.