CTE Students of the Quarter

The Career and Technical Education Students of the Quarter for the second quarter are (front row) Lillian Chase (Human & Professional Services), Lorelai Bastress (Intro to Business), Gracie Lawrence (Sales & Marketing), Michelle Roy (Intro. to Human & Professional Services), Holden Newland (Intro. to Heating & Plumbing), Liam Carberry (Entrepreneurship and Heating & Plumbing), Ethan Labounty (Automotive Technology). Middle row: Trevor Largy (Advanced Woodworking), Pablo Gutierrez Gonzalez (Sales & Marketing 1), Connor Decker (Intro. to Culinary Arts I), Jasmine Vincent (Work-Based Learning), Adrian Mitchell (Intro. To Welding), Jonas Minot (Advanced Electricity). Back row: Emily Greer (Intro. to Automotive Technology I), Rosie Tighe (Hilltopper Restaurant Culinary Arts), Warren Kingsbury (Intro. To Automotive Technology I), Owen Hall (Intro. to Baking), Everett Perkins (Intro. to Construction I), Jordan Robinson (Construction Technology I), Elliott Marceau (Construction Technology I).
Missing: Samuel Bearce (Intro. to Woodworking I), Waylon Stacey (Career Exploration), Colton Brown (Career Exploration).