FBLA Team Competes at State Conference
The St. Johnsbury Academy chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America had a successful day at the Spring Leadership Conference. (Front row, l-r) Kasey Rice ’21, Jasper Sterling ’18, Cara Benjamin ’18, Ainsley Larsen ’19, Elsa Eckhardt ’18. (Back Row, l-r): Kexin (Cindy) Huang ’19, Ryan Louis ’18, Zachary Gary ’18, Valerie Xie ’19.
The St. Johnsbury Academy chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America competed recently at the FBLA Spring Leadership Conference. Over $76,000 in scholarships and awards were handed out to over 140 competitors at the conference. Each member of the Academy team who won an award is eligible to travel to Baltimore, Maryland, for the FBLA National Convention taking place June 28 to July 1.
The following team members won awards: Jasper Sterling ’18, Elsa Eckhardt ’18, and Zachary Gary ’18 won first place in Sports and Entertainment; Cara Benjamin ’18 won first place in Future Business Leader; Ryan Louis ’18 won second place in Sports and Entertainment Management and second place in Entrepreneurship; Kasey Rice ’21 won second place in Intro to Financial Math and Intro to FBLA; Ainsley Larsen ’19 won Honorable Mention Gold in Accounting II.
Headmaster Tom Lovett said, “FBLA combines hands-on learning with leadership training, something we strive to instill in all of our CTE programs, so to see our students perform so well in a statewide competition is exciting. They and their families should be very proud.”