Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Day
Today is the day! All National Honor Society Members should report to South Church during Conference Period for our second full Chapter Meeting of the year. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory! See Mrs. Reed in Guidance if you have questions or concerns!
Student Government will meet at 3:10 tomorrow in the Mayo Lounge. Yes, after school. Please see Mr. Ryan or Rory with any questions or comments. And yes, that was indeed an afternoon meeting for Student Gov.
The following college has a visit today, Lasell University. The following colleges have visits tomorrow, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and Champlain College. Please see Naviance for details.
Attention International Students — The registration deadline for the Dec 10th TOEFL is November 17th. Any student needing to take the December 10th TOEFL should stop by the Guidance Office to register with Mrs. McCaffrey.
Attention all creative writers: Writers Block will once again meet as usual in Ranger 110 on Thursday at 3:30 for writing time and cookies. All are welcome!
The Fourteenth Annual Graham S. Newell Poetry Declamation will take place at 7pm on Thursday in the library as part of the Fireside Literary Series. Come hear the top classroom contestants perform their Poetry Out Loud selections! Refreshments will be served.
As Mr. Holden once said, “No one will ever beat me at dodge ball”. If you want to show Mr. Holden and the faculty dodgeball team up, grab a team of 6-8 players and be at the alumni gym this Friday at 3:45. Sign up today in Student Life. Show out STJ!
As a follow up to our recent Chapel talks, the Academy would like to welcome all Jewish students to a gathering at the Headmaster’s house this Friday from 4:00-5:30pm. Whether you are religious or not, highly connected to a larger Jewish community or not, we welcome you to our Jewish community. Come share food, stories, and each other’s company! See Mr. Weiss in Colby 209 if you have any questions.
Badminton Club meets today in the Field House at 3:45pm. Will the illustrious Tony Huang defeat the legendary Joey Zhuo this week? Come find out, come play, come join the fun. All are welcome. Contact Ms. Smith with questions. Badminton. Today. Field House.
The Maker Space is open this afternoon in Streeter 141 starting at 3:45 for creativity and camaraderie. See you there!
Are you California dreaming? Do you love adventure, the sun, and exploring beautiful landscapes? If you answered yes to any of these things then you should come with Mrs. Dickinson, Mr. Legendre, and Mr. Holden along with some awesome students to sunny Lake Tahoe California this coming June. We have a couple of spots left and would love to have you join us! It would be great to hear from you before the Thanksgiving break so come find one of the faculty mentioned above asap!
And now for Mr. Camelio’s Joke of the Week: When does a joke become a dad joke? Answer: When it becomes apparent.
Happy Birthday today to Cameron Clark, Django Farlice, Dillion Colby, Kaya Kendall and a special Happy Birthday to Channing Roper from the Forest/Holcombe advisory!