Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

October 9, 2024

White Day


There are still many spots available for today’s flight simulator! Each spot is only 15 minutes, so don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity. Stop by the Headmaster’s Office right after Chapel to secure your spot. 


Juniors and Seniors, Simmons University and Ithaca College are on campus today for a visit. Please see Naviance or Mrs. LaBounty for details and to register. Be sure to check in with your teacher before attending.


Attention International Students — Any student wanting to take the November 9th TOEFL must register by noon tomorrow! See Mrs. McCaffrey in Colby 106 to register.


All those interested in running for Student Diversity Council officer positions, pick up your application today beginning at 2:45 in Ranger 210, or see Ms. Hibbert, Mrs. Reed, or Ms. Smith. 


Mr. Rowe has an extra ticket for Hadestown next Wednesday at 2PM. Please let him know if you are interested.


Don’t forget to check out Chef B’s advisory’s Bake Sale during Friday night’s home football game. The money raised will be donated to the Food Shelf. Please join us on Friday night, to cheer on the Hilltopper Football team and support the cause to help our community.


A reminder that She’s The First is holding a Spike Ball tournament on Wednesday, October 10th. The price is $10 dollars per team or $5 dollars per person. Teams can register in Student Life or at the event itself. Teams must have a name and dress in a theme of their choice. Remember if you chose to pay at the event you need to bring money and a name for your team. 


Ahoy, Book Club! We will meet today in the library from 5:30-7 to discuss the remainder of A Gentleman in Moscow. See you there!


Thank you sweet tooths of SJA! The Eckel Advisory really appreciates everyone’s enthusiasm, kindness, and support at the bake sale yesterday! You helped us raise more than $220 for the Healthy Community Initiative.   


Good morning, here are three quick questions — How many health code violations is The Krusty Krab responsible for? Who holds the world record for the largest squash? Should you care about cardboard? Answers — Don’t know, don’t care, and you better care about cardboard to a level in which you start bringing it in next Tuesday for the Spirit Week Bonfire!


Happy Birthday today to Peyton Speer and Taryn Trombley!



VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY @ STOWE 4:00; please release the teams at 1:00  

VARSITY GIRLS & JV BOYS CROSS COUNTRY @ PEOPLES ACADEMY 5:00; please release the teams at 1:45


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