Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

February 21, 2024

White Day


Anyone wanting to register for the March 20th Blood Drive, please see Mrs. McCaffrey in Colby 106.


A reminder that all CTE students competing in SkillsUSA this April must attend the mandatory meeting in Mrs. McGarvin’s room, ST225, today at 2:45 to discuss our upcoming auction and Calcutta. If you cannot attend, you must email Mrs. McGarvin and your SkillsUSA Advisor. The meeting will be quick, but important. 


The JSU will meet today at 3:30pm in Colby 209. See then you.


Student Diversity Council meets today at 2:45 in Ranger 210. Come help plan for CultureFest and to shape the culture of connection and belonging at SJA.  


Looking for a way to destress before the break? Come by Ranger 108 for the Inner Circle Club today at 3:30 PM. Questions, reach out to Ava Massoni or Ms. Cote. New members are always welcome.


Happy Birthday today to Sizhe Fan and Ben Wood! 



KINGDOM BLADES @ BFA-ST. ALBANS 5:30, please release the team at 1:00

NORDIC SKIING vs. LAMOILLE 3:00, please release the teams at 1:00


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