Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

October 4, 2023

White Day


Today at 2:20pm, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will be conducting a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System, which will send an alert and text message to all consumer cell phones. Please be aware that this is just a test, and no action is required, but it could be distracting when the alert first goes off.


HILLS participants — a reminder to report to the Alumni Gym today during C block for our Fall HILLS meeting.


The following 10th-grade students have been elected as class officers: President — Marcus Burns; Vice President — Molly Kimber; Treasurer — Jada Wood; Secretary — Aliah Hale. Congratulations!


If you are interested in the Quebec City trip and have not yet turned in your money and paperwork, please speak to Chef Hale or Ms. Brazeau today or tomorrow. We must have a firm commitment before the end of the day on Thursday.  Merci! 


Happy Birthday today to Cooper Barter and Hudson Fenoff! A special Happy Birthday today to Joe Robertson from the Morris advisory, and to Lilly Laskowski from the Meunier advisory!


VARSITY/JV BOYS SOCCER @ CVU 4:00, please dismiss the teams at 12:30



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