Daily Bulletin | Tuesday
Green Day
The Admissions office is hosting a group of 16 educational consultants on campus today as part of the Vermont Fall Educational Consultant School Tour. The role of an educational consultant is to provide students and families with individual attention, firsthand knowledge of hundreds of educational opportunities, and the time to explore all of those options. Many of our boarding students have been referred to SJA through these consultants. This is an incredible group of dedicated education professionals who are eager to see our campus, learn more about our academic offerings, and get to know everything that makes our school special. If you see them around campus with our Admissions Ambassadors, please say “hello!”
Ms. Greenstone’s ESL 504 classes are reminded to report directly to Brantview Drive after A Block this morning.
Reminder — the bus for Women Can Do will depart from Brantview Drive at 7:15am on Thursday morning. If you have not turned in your St. Johnsbury Academy permission slip to Mrs. Murphy yet, please do so by tomorrow afternoon.
There will be a mandatory London/Paris trip meeting today at 3pm in Streeter 223, Mrs. Kendall’s Room. Please contact Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Kendall, or Mr. Demsky if you are unable to attend.
The Hilltopper Literary Society is having its first official meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4 at 5:30 pm in the Library Fireside area. Members, if you haven’t already, please check your stjlabs email for information about attending and bringing a potluck item. If you still want to join, it is not too late. Find Mr. Demsky by either wishing upon a piece of delicious cheese or coming to the Humanities office in the Ranger breezeway during CP.
Attention Seniors please report to Fuller Hall tomorrow morning for our class meeting. Please sit by advisory in your assigned sections. See you Wednesday morning!
JV Football put up a hard fight against Colchester, yesterday, but came short with a 24-8 loss.
Congratulations to Brandon Sheldon for winning the Riverside Speedway Lightning 4 Track Championship over the weekend! Congratulations, Brandon!
On Saturday the Boy’s Cross Country team nearly swept the home meet with BFA and MMU. Andrew Thornton-Sherman won the race with Carson Eames, Emmett Johnson and Ari Leven placing 2-4! Congratulations to the entire team on a great race!
Yesterday on the golf course, SJA Girls Golf went up against CVU and Essex. Justice Drayton-Paynter and Kaya Kendall played in their first Varsity matches as individuals. Fun was had by all, and it was a beautiful day on the course with CVU winning the match.
Happy Birthday today to Jeronimo Deyhle, Aidan Beaucage, Meara Garnes, and Harley-Ann White!
JV/VARSITY VOLLEYBALL @ RICE, please dismiss the team at 12:45