Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

January 25, 2022

Green Day


Applications for the Governors Institute of Vermont are open for all Freshmen through Juniors from Vermont. The Governor’s Institute is an intensive learning summer program hosted at college campuses all over the state. This year they are offering programs in art, astronomy, engineering, entrepreneurship, environmental science and technology, global issues and youth action, health and medicine, mathematical sciences, and technology and design. For more information you can check out their website at giv.org or stop by the Guidance Office. The application deadline is April 3.


Are you a senior? Do you golf? Do you reside in Vermont? Are you going to be attending college next fall? Well, if you said yes to all of those questions, then you should take a look the Vermont Association Scholarship Fund’s scholarship. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is April 18, 2022. If interested in learning more, please find the scholarship in Naviance.


Salsa Steps Club meets today in Newell Hall 25. Come practice a little Spanish and get some exercise learning very simple dance steps. No experience necessary! See you on Tuesday in Newell Hall 25!


SCOPE meets today at 3:45 in Mrs. Morris’s room, Ranger 212. Current members: Don’t forget to bring the names of some potential helpers for the Admissions event this spring. See you there!


Tech Storm, SJA’s Robotics Club, will be meeting today in Streeter 230 starting at 3:45. Feel free to stop by to see the robot and learn how to build another.


Calling all public speakers! Once again, the St. Johnsbury Rotary Club is sponsoring a High School Speech Contest that offers students a chance to use their voices to change lives and win cash prizes.  Last year, three Academy students took home hundreds of dollars in prizes, and one, Clara Andre, was selected as regional runner-up. This year’s topic is “How can your school partner with Rotary to change lives?” Speeches are limited to five minutes and need to relate this topic to teamwork and Rotary values. If you are interested in competing, please pick up a registration form in the headmaster’s office by February 1!


Happy Birthday today to Wyllough Austin and William Willson!


JV/VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL @ RICE 5:00/6:30, please release the teams at 2:00


WRESTLING vs. ESSEX 6:00, Senior recognition prior to the match


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