Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

April 6, 2021

White Cohort Day


Attention Freshman Vermont students – on Friday, April 9th and Friday April 16th you will be taking the Smarter Balance Assessments (SBAC) from 8:00-11:30 am. An email will be sent from academics@stjacademy.org to your stjlabs email with your testing location and information on what you need to do before testing begins on Friday. There will also be a list of student locations posted outside the Academic office and on the bulletin board in Streeter Hall. Please be sure to check your stjlabs email for this important information. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Eaton.


The Gay Straight Union will not meet this week. See you all next week!


Happy Anniversary today to Mrs. Jolliffe from Mr. Jolliffe!


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