Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Day
To help celebrate the kickoff of break, tomorrow will be a free Variety Day. As a reminder, the following are not allowed on Variety Days — leggings, yoga pants, or pants with holes, and all Variety Day attire must conform to SJA’s standards of modesty and decency.
Juniors — a reminder that tomorrow is your VTSA testing day. Please be sure to check your stjlab email for important information regarding the testing.
Attention International Students — Any student wanting to take the May 14 TOEFL must register by the end of the school day today! See Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office to register. Space is limited and priority will be given to juniors.
Come to the Science Research Showcase today at 3:30 in Colby Conference Room. See examples of independent science research done by classmates!
Writers’ Block will meet this Thursday after school in Ranger 110. Be ready for some creative fun and fellowship before Break! Cookies will be available!
The debate and discussion club will meet today at 3:30 in colby 209. All are welcome!
SJA Alumni Guessing Game submissions are due to Mr. LaCroix after advisory today! Winning advisory will win a box of donuts.
Happy Birthday today to Kyle Johnson and Kelsey Greenwood! A special Happy Birthday today to Mrs. Callanan!
VARSITY BASEBALL/SOFTBALL @ SPAULDING 4:30, please dismiss the teams at 1:30
JV BASEBALL/SOFTBALL vs. SPAULDING 4:30, please release Baseball at 2:10 and Softball at 2:30