Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Cohort Day
All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch for next week by 8:45am today!
VSAC Scholarship friendly reminder—Vermont College Bound Seniors—The Guidance Office’s VSAC deadline is TODAY at 3pm to upload your supporting documentation (transcripts, Letters of Rec., etc.). Mrs. Hale will be in the Guidance Office today to help you with all your VSAC scholarship questions.
Thursday skins with the Outing Club will not meet today. Hopefully we will see you next week.
Why was the teacher so scared of the students when they got out their graph paper? She knew they were plotting something… Math Team will meet today in Fuller Basement from 3:20-4:30pm. We are working on Round 5 of the New England Math League Competition. If you are interested in joining our group in person or via Zoom, email Mr. Kinsella at pkinsella@stjacademy.org or Mr. Stapleford at dstapleford@stjacademy.org for details.
Hello, Academy students: If you have been concerned about the consequences of pandemic isolation on our elderly community members, SCOPE has an opportunity for you! We are currently involved in a letter-writing campaign that includes forty of our St. J community members living in retirement communities in town. This is not a long-term commitment, just a chance to tell people you’re thinking of them. If you’d be interested in helping us by writing a card or note to someone to ease their feelings of loneliness, please reach out to SCOPE through Mrs. Morris, who can give you more details. Stop by Ranger 212 or email her at cmorris@stjacademy.org. A little volunteerism can make a strong impact – we appreciate anyone who wants to help!
Mr. Camelio’s Joke of the Week: Did you know that people who use selfie sticks really need to have a good, long look at themselves? 😊
Happy Birthday today to Hardy Huang, Latoya Bragdon, Gabe Hatch, Chelsea Chen, and Carter Gingue.