Daily Bulletin | Monday

November 16, 2020

Green Cohort Day


All Seniors and Juniors: Your study hall will now be located in the Alumni Gym due to the HVAC renovations. Please report to the gym during your scheduled study hall time.


SCOPE will hold its next meeting tomorrow at 3:15 in Ranger 212. If you have an idea about how to creatively improve your experience in your school, local, or global communities, we invite you to attend this meeting. You can also email Mrs. Morris for a Zoom link to attend virtually. See you there!


Attention International Seniors and Juniors — The registration deadline for the December 12th TOEFL is November 19th. Any student needing to take the TOEFL should email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com to get the link to the registration form. Juniors are encouraged to sign up, seniors will be given priority. Please email Mrs. McCaffrey with any questions.


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