Daily Bulletin | Monday
Green Day
All 9th Grade Seminar classes are meeting in the library today and tomorrow. Please go directly to the library, not to your normal classroom!
If you lost your purple retainer last week in the Dining Hall, please stop by the Nurses’ Office to claim it.
Attention Class of 2025: The Sophomore Class Council will meet tomorrow in Colby 204 at 7:20am. All sophomores are welcome to join.
Attention Sophomores—Remember the Class Crown? If you don’t, just look at Mr. Eckhardt’s head right now. Would you like to claim the crown for your advisory? Pay close attention to today’s Live Act about this weeks’ Food Drive AND the Walk for Hunger. The Sophomore Advisory that brings in the most food items will ascend the throne and claim the crown. (Hereditary monarchists need not apply.)
If you are considering a post-high school education or career in medicine, biomedical research or other health sciences, you may want to think about pursuing the SJA Biomedical Certificate program during your time here. Working toward the certificate opens opportunities in independent research, clinical observations and job shadows, and seminar events. Want to learn more? Come to our informational meeting on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 in Streeter 248. Contact Dr. Desjardins or Dr. Sayarath with questions.
Thank you to all who auditioned for Clue. The list of actors who are called back is posted on the Academy Theatre Canvas page and can be found in front of Blackbox. Callbacks will be Tuesday Sept 20 from 3:30-5:30pm in the Blackbox. Portions of the script that will be used for callbacks are posted on Canvas or can be found in front of the Blackbox. Please email Mr. Walker with any questions.
Happy Birthday today to Skye Campbell, Connor Lyons, James Piluso, and Jayden Bunnell!
JV-B Boys Soccer lost to BFA-St. Albans, 4-2.
Varsity Football lost to Essex, 16-14.
Varsity Volleyball lost to Rice, 3-0; however, the JV team beat Rice, 2-0.
On Friday, the boys XC team defeated MMU 17-42. Andrew Thornton-Sherman, Carson Eames, Nathaniel Bernier and Nathan Lenzini took the top 4 spots to ensure the win.
The academy girls cross country team despite all 7 varsity runners finishing before Mt Mansfields fifth runner- lost by three points in their dual meet at Millside Park. Bennet Crance broke the 22-minute mark in the 5k, and was followed closely by teammates Peyton Qualter and Wisteria Franklin, then Ava Purdy, Jasmine Engel and Maddy Blanchard, with Lilly Laskowski, Macey Moore and Ivy Pavick performing well for the Hilltoppers. The hilltopper girls race again this Tuesday at the Kingdom cup in Newport!
VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY @ NORTH COUNTRY 4:30, please release the team at 2:15
VARSITY/JV VOLLEYBALL @ HARWOOD 4:30/6:00, please release the teams at 1:15