Daily Bulletin | Monday
Social Studies Exams
Green Cohort Day
Chef B’s December Random Act of Kindness Winners are…EVERYONE! Please be sure to thank Chef B for her hard work making over 2000 cookies to help us celebrate the Academy’s 178th birthday today and tomorrow!
Readers! This week is your last chance to return any overdue books before break! If you want to renew something, please email: library@stjlabs.com with the name of the book. Thanks!
Attention writers and artists! It’s time to start thinking about your submissions for the Clear River Review, the Academy’s journal for literature and the arts! You may submit your poems, essays, and stories, as well as your black-and-white visual artwork, including Intaglio prints and photographs, between now and February 1. The submission form is available at https://bit.ly/clearriver. You may also contact Mrs. Mackenzie or Ms. Drew for more information by inquiring at clear.river@stjlabs.com.
Mr. Walker’s Acting 1 classes with be live streaming a virtual performance of the short comedy CHECK PLEASE tonight. “Dating can be hard. Especially when your date happens to be a raging kleptomaniac, or your grandmother’s bridge partner, or a mime! CHECK PLEASE follows a series of blind dates that couldn’t get worse-until they do.” C block actors will be performing at 6:00pm and D block actors will be performing at 7:30pm.
The play will be live streamed on Broadway on Demand. There is no charge to view.
Acting Class Links:
December 14th 6:00PM: https://www.broadwayondemand.com/not-live/rWzi7CvizHu4-check-please–st-johnsbury-academy?channel=live-productions
December 14th 7:30PM: https://www.broadwayondemand.com/not-live/4yCR7uLK1x5V-check-please–st-johnsbury-academy?channel=live-productions
Students! If you rented out a calculator from Mrs. Ely in the capstone/math office this semester and are looking to return, please do so after your final exams this week. If there are any students looking to keep their calculators for next semester or if there are any other questions regarding the rental program, please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Ely (cely@stjacademy.org) or Mr. Kinsella (pkinsella@stjacademy.org). Students who do not return calculators, or fail to notify Mrs. Ely or Mr. Kinsella will have their accounts charged for the calculators. Thank You!
Monday’s Joke of the Week: What do you call a kid who doesn’t believe in Santa? A rebel without a Claus. 😊
Happy Birthday today to Aidan Lawton, Hugo Recio Martin, Eric Chen, and Abigail Aiken. A special Happy Birthday to Ms. Sasso!