Daily Bulletin | Monday
Green Cohort Day
A reminder that if you ordered Jenks Photos, please stop by the Headmaster’s Office to pick them up!
Attention all creative writers: it is time to submit your work for the prestigious Scholastic Awards! Awards are given both at the state level and at the national level. Our school has had many winners at both levels, so please be encouraged to give it a try! Categories include poetry, short stories, essays, novels, sci-fi, writing portfolios, and more. Please see artandwriting.org to learn about the application, and please contact Mrs. Mackenzie for any help that you need. You may reach her at Jemackenzie@stjacademy.org. The deadline is December 15, so don’t delay! Applications cost a small fee; please contact Mrs. Mackenzie if you need assistance with payment.
Happy Birthday today to Maggie Anderson and Ruby Rolfe.