Daily Bulletin | Monday

April 15, 2024

White Day


CTE Students of the Quarter — please remember to meet Mr. Legge on the front steps of Fuller immediately after Chapel for a photo.


Juniors and Seniors, if you haven’t already submitted your Capstone Survey be sure to get it in before the end of the day!


Attention Juniors — Red Sox/Yankees Raffle sales end on Wednesday. Please return any collected checks and cash to Ms. Bimson in the Main Office, Ms. Meunier in SV14, or Mr. Dussault in Colby 202.


Attention those interested in the 2025 Southeast Asia Trip — we invite you to an important informational meeting tomorrow at 3:00 PM in Streeter 248.  If you cannot attend but are interested in learning more, please email or contact Dr. Sayarath in the Science Department.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Happy Birthday today to Antonio De Azevedo Sodre Neto and Peyton LaPete!


GIRLS VARSITY TENNIS @ CVU 4:30, please release the team at 1:30


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