Daily Bulletin | Friday
Green Day / SJA Gear Day
Attention Freshman taking the SBAC’s today: Please report directly to your testing location following Chapel this morning. Your testing location is indicated on the Test Ticket that your advisor has provided to you.
Congratulations to Madison Wilson and Anneke Beth, who have received Gold Medals at the national level for their entries in the 2022 Scholastic Art and Writing awards. Anneke receives her medal for her Intaglio print entitled “Do Not Enter”, and Madison receives hers in the Personal Essay and Memoir category for her piece entitled “Bottomless Coffee”. Madison’s piece is also the recipient of a prestigious American Voices medal. Both students will be honored at a ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York City in June.
Math team will meet on Monday in Fuller Basement for the final New England Math League contest. All are welcome to join on Monday at 3:30 for Math team.
On Monday, come to the Café to celebrate the maple season in Vermont! Start your day off with pancakes, maple sausage, with maple syrup. In addition, maple sundaes will be available all day for only $3.00 and maple frosted doughnuts for $1.50. Round out your day with free slider/fry baskets from 3:00-5:00pm. Come and enjoy a taste of maple!
Best of luck to Cecy Sweeney and Shelby Lizotte who are presenting their independent research projects this weekend at the virtual Vermont Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fair! Email Mr. Eckel for more information on how to watch their presentations!
Happy Birthday today to Alyana Mass, Quinn Murphy, and Connor Salo! Happy Birthday tomorrow to Esme Kimber, Noah Labounty, Juanita Navas Espinal, and Donovan Randall, and on Sunday to Sanat Amantayev, Ainsley Atkinson, and Bianca Hannan!