Daily Bulletin | Friday

November 19, 2021

White Day / Variety Day


A reminder that there is no school next week.  Monday, November 29 will be a Green Day.


The Giving Tree tags are here! Stop by the bulletin board in the first floor Ranger Breezeway. Take a tag, purchase the gift, and return the tag and unwrapped gift to C302 by Friday, December 3. The gifts are for children and elderly members of the local community. Most gifts range between $15 and $25. See Mrs. Scavitto with questions. 


Attention International Students wanting to take the Dec 4th TOEFL — the registration deadline is today at noon! See Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office to register and with any questions. 


Happy Birthday today to Tanya Bedor, Khloey Boutin, Zebediah Kane, Yofta Larocque, Jasmine Vincent, and Yasmine Vincent, and Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating over the break! 


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