Alternative Photographic Processes (Standard)

Credits: 1

This course will be an exploration of historical processes, techniques and materials. In this lab-oriented, hands-on learning experience, students may engage with 19th century photographic processes such as; Anthotype, Chlorophyll, Cyanotype, Van Dyke and Kallitype. Topics will also include pinhole, solography, lumens, photo transfers, liquid emulsion, mordancage, digital negatives, contact printing and handmade emulsions. Alternative processes are an intersection of art, science, the head, heart and most importantly, the hand. It allows for a deep connection to the physical world and engages with photography through a serendipitous, experimental and creative framework with endless expressive possibilities. This course will ask students to engage and understand photography on an artistic and creative level and is well suited for students who like to experiment. This course may be taken after Photo I or any upper level photography class.


Prerequisite: Photography I
Offered fall semester only.