Appreciating Educators — Waterford School

October 15, 2020

Waterford School Principal Chris Miller ’92 shared the following:


I would like to recommend the entire Waterford School staff for recognition. Their commitment to the students and families of Waterford is grounded in a deep commitment to ensuring students receive the absolute best education in the State of Vermont. They have risen to the challenge of COVID – 19 by having open minds and thinking outside the box in an effort to ensure their classrooms are socially emotionally safe and developmentally rigorous. They have taken on this challenge for both students who are learning on-site and those who have chosen to learn remotely. The pride they take in their work and student success are an inspiration to our entire school community! 


Thank you to all of the Waterford School employees:


Jennifer Aldrich Anti ’99

Deborah Doyon ’86

Jessica Hudson ’93

Terri Gaston

Jill Lavigne ’95

Tracy Johnk

Michael Marchand

Brenda Kendall

David McGinn

Jessica Lanham

Robert Millington

Tiffany Aldrich Lasnier ’02

Georgette Moyse

Danielle Limoges

Michelle Orr

Kier McCarty ’13

Abygail Locke Thomas ’96

Heidi McLaughlin

Colin Thornton

Angela Miller-Brown

Janice Trottier

Jenelle Barrett Noble ’99

Samantha D’Leon

Laurie Roberts

Sandra Sherburn

Roxanne Persons Roberts ’92

Connie Brantley

Tiffany Santy ’03

Nancy Brochu

Wendy Stein

Laura Ceraso

Hannah Whitaker

Kevin Colby

Jennifer Wood

Emily Cummings Davis ’98




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