Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Anything but a Backpack Variety Day
A reminder that tomorrow is will be Class Theme Day and Friday is Class Color Day! The class colors are as follows: Seniors — Black, Juniors — Blue, Sophomores — White, and 9th Graders — Green.
Please check your stjlabs account for your Spirit Squad Ballot. Voting will close at 3:30pm today!
Student Government will meet briefly tomorrow at 7:35 in Fuller Basement.
Reminder India travelers — there will be a meeting today at 4:00pm in Fuller Basement.
There will be two recruiters on campus today. Army National Guard at 9:00 and Marines at 10:30. Both will take place in Colby Conference Room. Be sure to check in with your teachers before attending the visit.
The Baking and Pastry class will have a Bake Sale after Winter Carnival Pep Chapel on Thursday on the Library steps. Items for sale will include chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin and chocolate whoopie pies, and cinnamon rolls. Cash sales only!
Happy National School Counselors week! A big thank you to our amazing school counselors, Mrs. Weikel, Mrs. LaCroix, Ms. Cote, and Mr. Railla!
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood is essential to help patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. This lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. On Thursday, March 16th, St. Johnsbury Academy will be hosting its Spring Blood Drive. Sign-ups will be in the dining hall during C block, beginning February 14th, and will run through Friday, the 17th. Students 16 years of age may donate, with parental consent. Students 17 years and older can donate without the consent form. After the long waits and having to turn donors away due to a staffing shortage at the last Blood Drive, we have been assured by the American Red Cross that they will be sending more staff to manage the number of people in our community who want to donate blood. The more slots we fill prior to the February Break, the better the Red Cross can plan to get additional staff, if needed. The American Red Cross staff is committed to make this blood drive run smoother and better. For an added bonus – all SJA donor names will be entered into a drawing for raffles prizes! Stop by the table in the dining hall next week or see Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office with any questions and to schedule your appointment.
The Maker Space will not be open this afternoon. Crafty, creative, collaborative people are encouraged to develop camaraderie with their classmates and work on banners and skits instead.
Is Winter Carnival just another time for you to complain about everything being lame, rolling your eyes, and displaying disapproving body language? If so, you are in luck because you don’t have to let the fun of others get in the way of your apathy. Please do what you do, but if you do it near an event that is taking place, then you will earn participation points for your class. When you do this, you are showing that Winter Carnival is not about them, it is about you!
“Sarcasm speaks softly to the soul of so many.” That is just an excerpt from a poem written by the great American Poet Stewie Griffin. Whether it is a work of Stewie’s or an original, please come and declaim poetry at tomorrow’s Poetry Slam Event in the Mayo Lounge.
Applications are due for the Assistant to the Assistant Governors’ Brother’s Institute. Show up in person tomorrow or Friday to see the wide range of offerings including hula hooping, building a snowman, writing thank you notes, eating pancakes, or playing ping pong!
Winter Carnival prep is already smokin’ hot for the juniors, but there is more to do: See you at the Banner in Severance 22, Skit in Severance 23 and Dance in Fuller Basement today after conference period. A dash of spicey juniors goes a long way in creating the winning recipe for the skit and the dance, we need your help, see you this afternoon Class of 2024!
Sophomores — Winter Carnival meetings continue this afternoon in their usual locations. The Banner will meet in Streeter 146, Mr. Bugbee’s room. The Dance-Off will meet in the Black Box. Skit will meet in Severance 15 at 3:30 and will move to Fuller stage at 4:00 for dress rehearsal. We have a great script, but need actors and extras today! If you haven’t been to a skit meeting yet, don’t worry. Today is the day that you’re needed so that we can win skit on Thursday! See you this afternoon. Go Sophomores!
Happy Birthday today to Moses Kokernot, Sisu Lange, and Gabe Matysiak!
ALPINE @ SMUGGS 9:45/12:30
VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL @ BURLINGTON 4:00, please dismiss the team at 1:00
WRESTLING @ ESSEX 6:00, please dismiss the team at 2:30