Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Today’s schedule will be as follows: A – E block; after E block please report to the following locations at the following times:
11:50 – 12:50
9th Graders/Sophomores – Amphitheater for a BBQ Lunch
Juniors – South Church
Seniors – Fuller Hall
12:55 – 1:55
Juniors/Seniors – Amphitheater for BBQ Lunch
9th Graders – South Church
Sophomores – Fuller Hall
At 1:55pm, all students should report to Stowe Green for the Club & Activity Fair!
Field Semester students: we will meet today in the Maker Space, Streeter 141. Go directly to Streeter 141 after chapel today.
Welcome back students, faculty and staff! Do you have Instagram or Facebook? Check out the following pages to keep up with the latest happenings at SJA: Follow the official academy page @ stjacademy for timely updates and all things Academy! Follow the alumni page @ sja1842 for updates on what former SJA students are doing! Follow the athletics page @ sja_hilltoppers for game announcements and scores! AND check out @ petsofsja to share photos of your pets! Send a DM to be featured!
Hilltones (the Academy’s auditioned vocal ensemble) is looking to expand it’s membership this year and will be holding auditions next Monday Tuesday and Wednesday after school. Stop by the Hilltones table today at the Activity Fair for more info and to see what we are about.
Happy Birthday today to Estelle Kokernot and Rosalyn Tighe!