Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
White Day
Freshmen — a reminder that you will be meeting in your advisory locations for Chapel tomorrow.
Seniors — you will be meeting in the Amphitheater for a Class Meeting tomorrow during Chapel.
Thursday will be a Variety Day to support our Seniors one more time! The cost is $1.00. As always — no jeans with holes, rips, or tears, no leggings or yoga pants, and all clothing must be school appropriate in style and length.
Seniors — caps and gowns are ready to be picked up! Stop by the Headmaster’s Office to grab yours today!
Next Tuesday and Wednesday, Brantview Drive will be closed to through traffic for paving. If you park in the Field House lot, please enter and exit using the South Main or Barker Ave gates on those two days.
Taking AP World History next year? Stop by C205 to borrow a copy of A History of the World in 6 Glasses and get information on the summer assignment. If you’re interested in learning more about the class, see Mrs. Scavitto or Mr. Eckhardt.
Final reminder for all students taking AP Seminar next semester! Our summer reading text is Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. The English Department has a limited number of copies to lend out. Please see Ms. Drew in Colby 205 if you would like to borrow a copy.
Are you interested in earning $50 cash while networking with alumni? Stop by Ms. Lang’s office in Campus Life to sign-up to work the Alumni Awards Ceremony on Saturday, June 4, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. It will be a fun evening and you can make a little money, too.
Attention to all who would like to purchase a copy of The Clear River Review, the Academy Journal for the Arts and Literature — please drop by Colby 205, the Capstone office, to buy a copy by noon on Spring Day. Copies cost $15 each and there are only a few left. Checks should be made out to St. Johnsbury Academy. Thanks for your interest!
Looking for a fun local leadership development program and an opportunity to meet new people? Consider applying for the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy scheduled for June 24-26 at NVU Lyndon. For more information, see Mrs. Cady in the Straszko Alumni House.
Science Olympiad will meet Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30 in Streeter 241. Come to one of the meetings to help us plan for summer responsibilities. New members are encouraged to attend.
The Gender and Sexuality Union meets today after school in Colby 207.
Hilltopper Mountain Biking meets today at 3:30 on Brantview Drive.
Interested in job opportunities in Vermont? Check in with Mr. Carr via email at acarr@stjacdemy.org for more information on the virtual Vermont Job Fairs.
Are you too cool for Spring Day? Nobody is cooler than Spring Day. Are you too cool for Slip and Slide and the sale of Snow Cones, freeze pops, bubble tea, lemonade, and ice cream? Definitely not too cool as the AcuWeather Spring Day forecast calls for sun and temps in the 80s. Meteorologists never lie.
Underclassmen: Pay close attention tomorrow to the speeches in Chapel from the two candidates for Student Gov President, Nathan Lenzini and Rory Higgs. You will all receive a ballot tomorrow morning to vote for President and Class Representatives. Seniors: We thank you for your previous years of voting, but you will get to sit this election out!
The Skills USA competitors will be selling Sushi, Whoopie Pies, Cookies, and Root Beer Floats during Spring Day. This will be a fundraising event to support those students competing at Nationals this summer. The booth with be at the Amphitheater right after Chapel on Friday. The cost will be $2.00 for all items. Please stop by our booth and support our State gold medal winners.
The Café will be ending breakfast at 9:00am on Friday, but don’t fret! From 9:00-11:30am, they will be selling Fried Dough, Corn Dogs, Chocolate Coke Floats, and Soda. Items can be purchased with cash or funds on your ID cards!
Happy Birthday today to John Jiang, Tucker Chapman, Isaac Blodgett, Josephine Plazek, and Eli Rexford!
Girls Ultimate Frisbee beat Burlington, 13-6.
Girls Varsity Lacrosse beat Rice, 9-7, and the JV team beat Rice, 7-6.
Boys Varsity Tennis beat CVU, 7-0.
JV Baseball beat CVU, 3-2, and JV Softball beat CVU, 13-3.
At yesterday’s 7 team track and field meet at Green Mountain Union, the boys were led by Jaden Beardsley’s double wins in the shot put and discus to the team victory. Kaylee McCaffery won the javelin and set 3 personal bests to help the girls also secure the win.
VARSITY/JV BOYS LACROSSE @ MONTPELIER 4:30/6:00, please release the teams at 2:00
JV GIRLS LACROSS @ LYNDON INSTITUTE 4:00, please release the team at 2:15
JV/VARSITY BOYS ULTIMATE @ BURLINGTON 4:00, please release the team at 12:30
VARSITY GIRLS LACROSS @ COLCHETSER 4:30, please release the team at 1:00
VARSITY BASEBALL/SOFTBALL @ CVU 4:30, please release the team at 12:45
GIRLS TENNIS @ CVU 4:30, please release the team at 12:45