Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

March 23, 2022

Green Day


All students who have signed up to take the spring SAT or PSAT 10 on April 13, please check your STJlabs emails for the bagged lunch form. This must be filled out no later than April 6. Please see Ms. Carr in the Guidance Office with any questions.


Are you looking for a local summer job? Check out the job board in the Guidance Office!


The St. Johnsbury Rotary Club scholarship application is now available to seniors. Check it out on Naviance or stop by the Guidance office for an application.


Calling all college bound Hilltoppers. Sterling College will be on campus today at 2 pm in Colby Conference Room. Be sure to sign up for their visits on Naviance and to view all details.  If you are scheduled to be in class during the time of the visit, please check in with your teacher before coming to the college visit.  You are also required to return to class after the completion of the visit and attendance is turned into the Main Office.


The Gender and Sexuality Union meets today after school in Colby 207. 


Interested in job opportunities in Vermont? Check in with Mr. Carr via email at acarr@stjacdemy.org for more information on the virtual Vermont Job Fairs.


The Maker Space will be open for Codecraft club and whatever you’d like to make this afternoon at our regular time beginning at 3:45. We have updated and upgraded our 3D pens, so if you’ve always wanted to give them a try, now is a great time! Stop by for a few minutes or an hour; all are welcome!


The Salsa Steps Club will not meet this week. See you next week!


Outing club will be going to climb, climb, climb today after school! The bus will leave Brantview Drive at 3:40 and will return by 6:00pm. See Mr. Weiss or Mr. Holden for details!  Dare to explore!


Reminder to Juniors. Tonight at 6:30, there is a meeting for students and parents about the college admissions and financial aid process. This will be a Zoom meeting and a link was sent to both you and your families last week. If you have any questions, please stop by the guidance office.


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