Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Day
Seniors, please see your stjlabs email for the Senior Privileges form. You must complete this form by 3:30 today.
Today is the last day to sign up to donate blood at tomorrow’s Blood Drive. Please be aware that all blood donors and volunteers must be masked at the Blood Drive as required by the American Red Cross. Please see Mrs. McCaffrey at the sign-up table in the dining hall during C block with any questions. Students must be 16 years of age or older to donate.
Attention International Students — Any student wanting to take the April 9th TOEFL — must register by the end of the day tomorrow. Email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com or stop by the Guidance Office to register.
Calling all College Bound Hilltoppers! The following colleges are visiting today: University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth at 10 am in Colby conference room and Washington University at 2pm in Colby conference room. Be sure to sign up for either visit on Naviance and to view all details. A reminder to check in with your teacher before coming to the visit!
Due to the faculty meeting, the Gender and Sexuality Union will not meet today. If you would like to help organize for the Day of Silence, please come pick up posters in Colby 207 during Conference Period.
Final callbacks for Mamma Mia! will be held today after school in the Blackbox from 3:30-4:30pm. Please see the Academy Theatre canvas page for the list of actors called back.
Attention all techies-round 2! If you are interested in working backstage for the Academy Theatre production of Mamma Mia!, please come to Stagecraft in the Blackbox today at 4:00pm.
Salsa Steps, Dungeons and Dragons, and the Chess Club will not meet today. See you next Wednesday!
Interested in job opportunities in Vermont? Check in with Mr. Carr via email at acarr@stjacdemy.org for more information on the virtual Vermont Job Fairs.
Attention indoor climbers, we will be running another trip to the climbing center today right after school. The bus will leave Brantview Drive at 3:40 and return to campus by 6 pm. Please see Campus Life or Mr. Weiss if you wish to attend. Make sure you are at Brantview drive by 3:35 sharp. Dare to explore!
Corn-acter, In-corny, and Corn-nity are at the center of St. Johnsbury A-corn-dmy. This Saturday at 6:30pm in the Alumni Gym, come show off your skills and school spirit by entering into St. Johnsbury Academy’s inaugural Cornhole championship. Enter you and a partner in Campus Life by the end of the day Thursday or at the doors Saturday night. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams earn prizes. If you would like to participate and are unable to find a partner, come Saturday night and we will find you one. Spectators are welcome. This Double elimination tournament is free to participate in and winners can get a chance to compete against a faculty team for bragging rights. This is going to be A-MAZE-ing. Come earn the title CHAAMP (and acronym for Corn Hole Awesomeness And Magnificent Performance).
Curious to see who the winner would be in a creole zydeco-brass band showdown? Find out Thursday night at 7:00 in Fuller Hall when The Dirty Dozen Brass Band takes the stage with Nathan Williams. The show promises to deliver a non-stop master class in blues, Cajun, New Orleans soul, and R&B from two of Louisiana’s best. Students are able to get into the show for free with their student ID.
Happy Birthday today to Lily Hinman, Hailey Kimbell, and Evan Thornton-Sherman!