Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
White Day
Students — please note that the Café will close at 2:30pm each day moving forward.
Attention Seniors: Check your school email after 8:10am for a link to the Winter Carnival Sprit Squad Nomination form. It’s crazy that Winter Carnival is almost here! Submissions are due by the end of school today.
Student Diversity Council meets today at 2:45 in Ranger 215. All are welcome!
A reminder — weekly climbing with the Outing Club starts tomorrow! We will leave Brantview Drive at 3:15 and return to campus by 5:45. Resident students — this can count as your afternoon activity! Sign up in Student Life and see Mr. Holden for details.
Still figuring out what club to join? Look no further! Come by for friends, connection, and meet the schools newest therapy dog at the Inner Circle Club today at 3:30 in Tinker! New members are always welcome! Questions, reach out to Ms. Cote.
Together for Tomorrow is a new club that is raising awareness and donations for helping single parents and infants in South Korea. Come and learn more about our club during CP on Thursday in the second floor of the library. Snacks will be shared!
Wellness Wednesday tip of the week: Do you drink enough water throughout your day? Challenge yourself to keep track of your water intake for a week. Staying hydrated boosts your mental and physical energy!
Happy Birthday today to Meadow Schneider, Niah Varnum, and Mitchell Will!
GIRLS HOCKEY @ STOWE 5:00; please dismiss the team at 12:00