Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

May 1, 2024

Green Day


Come to Ranger 210 right after E block today to prep for Culture Fest. Have questions? Find Ms. Hibbert, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Yates or Mrs. Reed.


A reminder that Mr. Jones and Dr. D will be holding an informational meeting about the Mongolia trip today in Streeter 237 at 2:50. If you are unable to attend but are interested in learning more, please email or contact Mr. Jones or Dr. D in the Science Department. We look forward to seeing you there!


Join Book Club tonight in the Library Fireside from 5:30-7 for our discussion of Lincoln in the Bardo. If you have yet to pick up a copy of the book, it’s still available for pick up behind the circulation desk at the library. Come drink tea, have snacks, and discuss books tonight from 5:30-7! We hope to see you there. 


May is National Pet Month which promotes the mutually beneficially relationship between people and their pets. This month, the library features an interactive display with books about domestic animals and the benefits of animal companionship. To celebrate our Academy community pets, please bring in pictures of your furry friends to display on the photo mural in the library!


A reminder that Inner Circle club will meet tomorrow at 3:30 PM in Ranger 108. New members are always welcome and encouraged to join! Questions: reach out to Ms. Coté. 


Happy Birthday today to Clark Andelin, Landen Emmons, and Katherine Sanoussy!


GIRLS VARSITY TENNIS vs. SOUTH BURLINGTON 3:30, please release the team at 2:10

BOYS VARSITY TENNIS @ SOUTH BURLINGTON 3:30, please release the team at 12:15



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