Daily Bulletin | Wednesday

April 17, 2024

White Day


A reminder that we will follow the Fashion Show schedule tomorrow. Please report directly to the following locations by 7:55am. 

8:00 – 8:30: 9th Grade/Sophomores — Fashion Show; Juniors — Advisory meetings;

Seniors: Class Meeting in South Church

8:40 – 9:10: Juniors/Seniors — Fashion Show; 9th Grade/Sophomores — Advisory meetings


The deadline to sign up for the May 4th SAT is this Friday. Athletes, make sure you are looking at your schedules along with the SAT dates as there is only one more spring testing opportunity available after the May date. You can register on the College Board website. See Ms. Carr or your guidance counselor with questions. 


Seniors — don’t forget that if you are a child or grandchild of a St. Johnsbury Weidmann employee or retiree, Weidmann Electrical awards one senior a $600 prize each year! Be sure to stop by Ms. Carr’s office today to find out more information as application deadline is May 3, 2024.


Attention Juniors —Today is the day! Please be sure to submit cash and checks from the Red Sox/Yankees raffle today to either the Main Office in Colby, Ms. Meunier in SV 14, or Mr. Dussault in C202.


Mongolia, Mongolia, Mongolia. The Mongolia trip is excited to announce their expected price has dropped to just under $3,000 due to cheaper flight options. Mr. Jones and Dr. D will be holding an informational meeting about the trip today in Streeter 237 at 3:00. If you are unable to attend but are interested in learning more, please email or contact Mr. Jones or Dr. D in the Science Department. We look forward to seeing you there!


Student Diversity Council meets today in Ranger 210 to continue our work planning for CultureFest 2024. Come and help out!


Happy Birthday today to Riley Copans and Stephanie Gagnon! A special Happy Birthday today to Ms. Meunier from the softball team!


UNIFIED BASKETBALL @ LYNDON INSTITUTE 11:30; please release the team at 10:00

GIRLS TENNIS @ CVU 4:30; please release the team at 1:30


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