Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Day
Best of luck to our Varsity Girls Basketball team as they compete in the Division 1 Championship Game tonight against CVU starting at 7:00pm at UVM’s Patrick Gymnasium! Grab your pompoms and join us on Brantview Drive at 4:10 today to send the team off in style!
A reminder that if you signed up for tonight’s fan bus, please be on Brantview Drive by 4:30pm for a 4:45pm departure! You must have purchased a ticket for the game and have a signed permission slip to get on the bus! See the Field House with any questions.
The Colwell Center for Global Understanding is pleased to announce two guests will join us tomorrow. At 7:00 in the Library Fireside, Diego Osorio will give a talk entitled, “Climate change, peace and security: How resilience is the key to face the challenge of our times.” Mr. Osorio comes to us from Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. He is an advisor to the Canadian government on climate change issues. Mr. Osorio will be joined by his wife, Dr. Vivian Valencia. She is a professor at Bishop’s University. Tomorrow during the day, she will meet with classes in Fuller Basement to discuss climate change and the future. The evening event with Mr. Osorio is open to all. Dr. Valencia’s meetings with classes can be joined by interested students during their free blocks.
Attention poets: do not forget to submit your Eclipse poems to PoemTown on the Catamount Arts website form no later than tomorrow, March 7! Help celebrate National Poetry Month!
Are looking for summer work? Do you like children? Do you like to swim? Consider working at the Kiwanis pool this summer as a lifeguard and swim instructor. Interested? Please see Ms. Meranze in Colby 206 or send her an email!
Happy Birthday today to Karley Balch, Baylee Davis, Laura Moreno Manon, and Natalie Wheeler!