Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Day
School Photos are in! If you ordered photos, please stop by the Headmaster’s Office today to pick them up.
Day students — this is your last call for Burke season pass sign-ups at the SJA discounted rate! Applications and payment must be submitted to Mrs. Greenwood in the Business Office by the end of the school day tomorrow (Thursday).
Student Life is putting on a free movie night in the Mayo Lounge. Come watch “Inside Out” this Friday at 7pm!
The Topper Friends Club will meet tomorrow at 3:15pm in Ranger 113 to walk down to the St. J House to help decorate for the holidays. Come join us for an afternoon of holiday cheer! See Mrs. McCaffrey, Mr. Camelio, or Mr. Carr with any questions.
Writers’ Block will meet at 3:30 in Ranger 110 on Thursday. All are welcome to come write and enjoy tea and cookies! We will also be working on helping students to send in submissions for the Scholastic Awards at this time. If you can’t make the meeting and you need support with your submissions, please see Mrs. Mackenzie or Mrs. Jolliffe.
A reminder that makeup club will meet today at 3:30 in Newell 22.
Happy Birthday today to Brooklyn Gingue, and a special Happy Birthday to Howie Murphy from Mrs. Murphy!