Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

November 7, 2023

Green Day


As a reminder, there is a mandatory meeting for all those participating in the West African Ghana trip tomorrow, Wednesday, at 3:10 in Streeter 263. 


A reminder that there will be no Math Club meeting today, but we will be meeting tomorrow for the AMC 10/12 in Severance 15 starting at 3:30! Be there or be squared!


Book Club will have their last discussion of Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead this Wednesday in the Library Fireside from 5:30-7pm.


Attention Bowlers! Come out to Gold Crown Lanes this Wednesday! All are welcome! The bus will leave Brantview Drive at 3:15pm. The cost will be $10, which includes bowling and shoes.  See Mr. LaCroix in the Student Life office to sign up. 


The best dodgeball tournament of 2023 is taking place this Friday in the Alumni Gym. Do you have a team better than the Globo Gym Purple Cobras? Register today in Student Life to find out!


Student Gov is bringing back the tradition of recognizing students for doing the small things that make this place great. This week’s Tuesday Tribute goes to Jose “Chris” Rosales for going out of his way to help a student a few Fridays ago who was having a hard time. Thanks, Chris for taking the time to show you care!


Happy Birthday today to Ari Leven and Talon Rowell!


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