Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

January 12, 2021

White Cohort Day


A reminder—if you lost your jacket before the break, please stop by the Main Office to claim it.


Attention members of SCOPE: Check your stjlabs email for a message from Mrs. Morris about setting up meetings and agendas for this semester. Please respond to the email by Wednesday this week. Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you soon!


Attention Sophomores and Juniors interested in applying for membership to the National Honor Society. The NHS application can be found at www.stjacademy.org under Quick Links (please be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the options). The application deadline is this Friday, January 15th. Please direct any questions to Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com.


Attention International Seniors and Juniors—The first TOEFL of the second semester will be January 30. The registration deadline for this test date is this Friday, January 15th. Any student needing to take the TOEFL should email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com to get the link to the registration form. Juniors are encouraged to sign up, seniors will be given priority. Please email Mrs. McCaffrey with any questions.


Happy Birthday today to Sophie Roush, Cole Walton, and Noah Brill.


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