Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

October 29, 2024

White Day


Seniors with a November 1st deadline, please be sure to check in with your guidance counselor before the deadline on Friday.


Juniors and Seniors — Gettysburg College, High Point University, and Loyola University Maryland are on campus today for a visit. Please see Naviance or Mrs. LaBounty for details and to register. Be sure to check in with your teacher before attending.


Don’t forget to come to the informational Winter Cheer meeting tomorrow after Conference Period in the Field House, Court 3. 


If you are on the backpacking trip this weekend to the Zealand Falls Hut, please come to the meeting this afternoon in Ranger 210 at 2:45. Reach out to Mr. Demsky or Ms. Hibbert with any questions.


Book Club will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, in the library from 5:30-7pm to discuss the first half of Gather by Ken Cadow. Book Clubbers, check your emails for an RSVP form and let us know if you plan on coming. There will be tea and snacks! Haven’t joined book club or haven’t gotten a copy of the book yet? No worries! Swing by the circulation desk at the library and grab one.


For all of those interested in the soup and kitchen poetry with Writers’ Block…this is a clarification that that event will take place next week, November 7, leaving Ranger 110 at 3:15. This week, we’ll meet in our spot on Thursday at 3:30 for Halloween stories. 


Calling all cake lovers! Today is the last day to buy your tickets for the Brown Advisory cake raffle to raise money for NEKCA. Each ticket is only $1 and gives you the chance to select the flavor or theme of a cake delivered right to you! See a representative of the Brown Advisory or come to Newell 12 to purchase tickets. Winners will be drawn on Wednesday and announced on Thursday.


The Cornhole Club will be meeting Thursdays starting this week in the Morse Lobby at 3:30! We will be playing Cornhole for fun, improving our skills, and preparing for a tournament in the future. Bags and boards will be provided. Please come check it out and bring a friend!


Attention all outgoing SJA students – it’s that time of year again! The annual Catamount Arts Benefit Auction will take place on Saturday, November 23. SJA has a long-standing tradition of helping to make the auction a success, and we’re looking for two student volunteers from 4:30 – 9:30 PM. Tasks include checking coats, helping with food, and performing short skits for the main auction. Interested? Please see Mrs. Morris in Ranger 212 as soon as possible.


Please congratulate the following athletes in being selected to the Vermont Volleyball Coaches Association All-State Metro Teams: JoJo Strohm – Second Team honors; Madalyn Atkinson, Cassidy Kittredge, Andrea Gagnon and Hannah White – Honorable Mention Honors.  Congratulations!  Please see Mr. Legge on the steps of Fuller Hall after Chapel for a photo. 


The Hilltopper Field Hockey team lost a tough game versus #2 ranked U-32 last Friday. They fought hard and we are so proud of them. The team finished the season with a 10-6 record. Congrats on a great season!


Happy Birthday today to Temuujin Johnson, Sophia Vignec, and a special Happy Birthday to Lennon Daffinrud from her favorite uncle, Mr. Baker!


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