Daily Bulletin | Tuesday

November 17, 2020

White Cohort Day


All Seniors and Juniors: A reminder that your study hall is now located in the Alumni Gym due to the HVAC renovations. Please report to the gym during your scheduled study hall time.


Do you ever wish you could duplicate that sweet vintage look? The Class of 2023 is here to help you out. We’ll be selling gear from previous classes in front of the library on Wednesday and Thursday this week, and on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Come check it out and see what styles you could rock for discounted prices! Stock is limited, and sales will be made on a first-come first-serve basis.


Chess club will be meeting today for the white cohort and tomorrow for the green cohort. No experience needed! Come learn to strategize and play. We will be meeting in the dining hall located in Streeter after conference period at 3:30. Email Mr. Kwok with any questions.


A reminder that SCOPE will meet today at 3:15 in Ranger 212. If you have an idea about how to creatively improve your experience in your school, local, or global communities, we invite you to attend this meeting. Email Mrs. Morris at cmorris@stjacademy.org for a Zoom link if you’d like to attend virtually.


Interested in the management and operation of your suprachiasmatic {pronounced su-pra-ki-as-mat-ick} nucleus? Thinking your neural feedback loops on the pathway to homeostasis ​{pronounced home-e-o-stay- sis} need a tune-up? Come look under the dura matter and deep dive to the hypothalamus with Brain Bee today in Streeter 241 from 3-3:30 today. The meeting will be followed by a virtual presentation from VT Brain Bee on the peripheral nervous system from 3:45-5:00pm on Zoom. Pre-registration required for link. Email Mr. Eckel if interested.


Attention International Seniors and Juniors — The registration deadline for the December 12th TOEFL is November 19th. Any student needing to take the TOEFL should email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com to get the link to the registration form. Juniors are encouraged to sign up, seniors will be given priority. Please email Mrs. McCaffrey with any questions.


Congratulations to this month’s winners of Chef B’s Random Act of Kindness — Mr. Badgley’s advisory and Mr. Stapleford’s advisory. Your advisories are the lucky recipients of Chef B’s goodies for Wednesday and Thursday!


The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess good citizenship qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities. These students are selected by their teachers and peers because they demonstrate these qualities to an outstanding degree. During Advisory on Wednesday, the Senior class was presented with the top 3 students nominated by our faculty. They are (in no particular order) Ellie Coyle, Hannah Roberts, and Sierra Shippee. This year’s DAR Good Citizen Nomination goes to Sierra Shippee!


A special Happy Birthday to Jose Daniel Kabbaz Cherem from the students and proctors in the Barn!


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