Daily Bulletin | Thursday

May 18, 2023

Green Day


All 9th grade health classes please report to South Church for Health Class today.


Spring Day is tomorrow, and yes, this is a required day for all! Chapel will begin at 8:00am. All underclassmen should report to Fuller Hall and Seniors should report to the South Church for Chapel. Those who will be playing a Fall Sport will have a quick meeting with the Athletic Department tomorrow right after Chapel in Fuller Hall.


The Dress Code for Spring Day and all exam days will be normal Variety Day attire. As always, leggings, yoga pants, and pajama pants are not allowed. All clothing must be school appropriate and of the appropriate length. Monday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 31 will be normal dress code attire.


Underclassmen – tomorrow you will hear from the three candidates for Student Government President in Chapel before getting a chance to vote for the President and Student Government Representatives from your class. The ballot will reach your stjlabs account right after Chapel. Please be sure to take a minute to vote!


Attention students taking AP Seminar next year: Our summer reading is Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. We have a limited number of books to lend out. If you’d like to borrow a copy, see Ms. Drew in Colby 205 today or Monday.  


Attention students enrolled in AP English Literature next year our summer read this summer is the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Overstory, by Richard Powers. Please stop by Mr. Jolliffe’s room (Ranger 117) to pick up your copy any time before the final exam day.


10th and 11th graders that want to apply for a travel scholarship should contact Mr. Ehrean by either emailing him or seeing him in Ranger 115 after school today.


Academy Theatre’s production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat opens tonight here in Fuller at 7pm. Tickets are $5 for students. Students are encouraged to purchase tickets online at catamountarts.org to save time at the door.


As a reminder, there is a mandatory Ghana meeting today at 3:30 in Streeter 263. You must attend today’s meeting if you did not attend yesterday if you want to participate in the Ghana trip. If you have a scheduling conflict, please come see Ms. Keach in Streeter 263 before the end of this week. 


There will be a mandatory meeting for all of those going or wanting to go on this weekend’s rock-climbing trip right after school today at 3:30 in the Alumni Gym, just look for Mr. Holden. He will be there earlier as well if 3:30 is too late for you. You must attend this meeting if you are going on the trip.


Culture Fest Planners, one day until Culture Fest! Reminder that we will meet today after school for final preparations. Ms. Hibbert, Mrs. Reed, and Ms. Smith will see you in Ranger 210! 


All Culture Fest Participants, be sure to meet in Ranger 210 by 7:15am tomorrow to set up for Culture Fest before chapel. 


Today is the last day to donate items for the She’s the First Club yard sale! Please bring your donations of gently worn clothing, bean bags, posters, sports equipment, books, and other small items to Ms. Drew’s room, Colby 204 by the end of conference period today. Thank you for your support!


The girls Heart & Sole movement group will meet for one last time today! We will meet at Tinker at 3:30 and then head to the scenic St. Johnsbury Rail trail.


In honor of May and Mental Health Awareness month, May 18th is recognized as Mental Health Action Day. Looking for a way to take action in your community? Look no further! On Saturday, our school will be participating in the Out of the Darkness Walk to raise awareness about suicide. The walk starts at 9:30 AM. Our team will meet outside of the Academy library at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning. Questions: Reach out to Ms. Cote in Tinker.


As part of her Capstone about the value of interacting with animals, Emma Holt has arranged for a therapy dog to be brought on campus again tomorrow! The dog will be on Brantview Lawn from 2:30 to 3:30. Come say hi to Rueben and let him help you relax before exams start!


The Skills USA group will be selling pizza, soda, cookies, brownies, and whoopie pies during Spring Day. We will be located near the library. Please stop by to support the students completing at Nationals this summer!


Along with all the fun of Spring Day, the Junior class will be selling their famous bubble tea and a variety of make your own crepes. Come find us in front of the library to enjoy some tasty treats for sale.  


The Fine Arts department would like to invite you to their free giveaway on Spring Day. From 9am-12pm there will be tables of books and clothing/costumes and other random items for the taking. We ask that if you can leave a donation, please do. All proceeds will go to Ms. Drew’s campaign for She’s the First Club. 


What are you doing this summer? Did I tell you I love your picture in the Cal Rec sports page? Yes, Climate Change is real? Trust me, it does not hurt to ask if you really want to go to the prom? Has that truck been in the mud yet? Not sure that outfit matches, but I love the style? Is it legal to have this much fun on a Friday? While Spring Day is a lot about the games and activities, it is so much more about the social connection and conversation. Hopefully you all have a chance to cover these issues and more tomorrow at Spring Day!


And now, for the final Joke of the Week from Mr. Camelio: Last week I asked Matt Stark what the best way was to carve wood. He replied, “Whittle by whittle.” 😊


Happy Birthday today to Isaac Blodgett, Josephine Plazek, Eli Rexford, and Jada Wood!


9th GRADE TRACK MEET @ ESSEX 1:00, please release the team at 10:00

GIRLS TENNIS @ BURLINGTON 3:30, please release the team at 12:45

VARSITY SOFTBALL/BASEBALL @ MT. MANSFIELD 4:30, please release the teams at 1:00

JV BASEBALL vs MT. MANSFIELD 4:30, please release the team at 2:15



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