Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Day
As a reminder that tomorrow will be a Variety Day to support the efforts of clean water in Africa. The cost is $1.00. Please remember that Variety Day attire does not include yoga pants, leggings, jeans with holes in them, or flannel pajama pants, and all attire must be school appropriate.
Student Gov will meet during Conference Period today at 3:10 in Fuller Basement. Please meet with teachers, if necessary first, and contact Mr. Ryan with any questions or concerns.
Attention International Students – any student wanting to take the March 18th TOEFL must register by today at 3pm! See Mrs. McCaffrey in the Guidance Office with any questions.
The Make it Better Club hopes that some of you have enjoyed using the library’s new recharge room when work or life is just too much, and you need a break. Don’t forget that the space has plenty of ways to help your brain relax – puzzles and play dough, fidget spinners and fluffy chairs, books and greenery – and coloring books, too! Thank you to everyone who’s visited – you’ve done a great job taking care of the space! We hope this will continue to be a useful part of maintaining good mental health on campus.
Happy Birthday today to Hollyn Bradshaw, Emma Holt, Colin Randall, and Basil White!
VARSITY/JV BOYS BASKETBALL @ RICE 5:00/6:30, please dismiss the teams at 2:15