Daily Bulletin | Thursday

September 24, 2020

White Cohort Day


Tomorrow will be a Faculty In-Service Day. There will be no remote classes tomorrow.

All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch for next week before 8:45am today!


Today is the last day for Jenks Studio photos! If you have not had your photo taken yet, please stop by Fuller Hall and have your picture taken for the yearbook! All students must have their photo taken!


Any students who checked out library books from last year and haven’t yet returned them are asked to kindly bring them back next week. We will be sending you and your advisors an overdue notice via email as we begin to start trying to locate items that might have gotten lost in the quarantine shuffle between last March and now! Thank you so much for your cooperation!


Happy Birthday today to Ethan Dunbar and Noah Choiniere. Happy Birthday tomorrow to Kameron Lill, Madison Wilson, Sierra Cutter, Joel Kline, Natalie Esposito, and Felicia Sylvester. Happy Birthday on Saturday to Amy Zhu, Courtney Lewis, and Emily Young, and on Sunday to Kai Liljequist.


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