Daily Bulletin | Thursday
White Cohort Day
All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch for next week by 8:45am today!
College Bound Seniors and Juniors—a friendly reminder that there will be a Virtual College Visit today for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University— Daytona Beach at 6pm. Visit your Naviance Account for the virtual link.
Shortly, the Guidance Office will be closing Driver’s Education requests for the 2021-2022 school year—if you want to be on the list for consideration, be sure to notify the Guidance Office today!
Science Olympiad will meet in a combined in-person and virtual meeting today from 3:30-4:15 in Streeter 241. The Zoom link will be emailed to current members. Interested in joining? Email Mr. Eckel at edwin.eckel@stjlabs.com.
The French Club will meet today in NH 12. If you would like to join on Zoom, just email Madame Meranze for the link at emeranze@stjacademy.org.
A reminder to all SCOPE members: our letters to community members will be delivered after school today. If you haven’t turned yours in or scanned a copy to Mrs. Morris, please do so ASAP. A special thank you to Mr. Urie’s class and Mr. Jones’ advisees for their help in brightening the day of many of our local community members – proof once again that it takes a village, and SJA is, indeed, a special village!
The virtual Vermont Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Ceremony will stream on Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 12:00pm. If you are interested in watching, please email Mrs. Prevost at rprevost@stjacademy.org for the link. More information is also available on the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center’s website. We are so excited to celebrate with you, and hear from the wonderful keynote speaker, Rajnii Eddins! Please tune in and support your friends!
This is the last week to get your raffle tickets for a custom painted mini-fridge—drawing will be held March 16. Tickets are 1 for $3 or 5 for $10. If you would like to purchase tickets, please stop by Mrs. Newland’s office in Streeter 269 (across from Dean Reed’s and Dean Racenet’s office). Faculty can purchase tickets in the Faculty Mail Room. Proceeds to benefit auto shop projects. Thank you for your support!
And finally…Mr. Camelio’s Joke of the Week: Do you know the easiest way to burn 2000 calories? Leave brownies in the oven while you nap.
Happy Birthday today to Andrew Kostruba, Grace Denio, and Mairen Tierney!
GIRLS ALPINE @ BURKE – DISTRICTS, please dismiss the team at 10:15am
Girls Varsity Basketball lost to CVU, 55-23. The JV team lost, 40-31.
Boys Varsity Basketball beat Mt. Mansfield, 49-37, and the JV team lost, 42-41.