Daily Bulletin | Thursday

April 11, 2024

White Day

Variety Day 


Seniors — if you are interested in being the Invocation or Benediction speaker at graduation, please stop by the Headmaster’s Office for more information.


Student Government will have a short, but important meeting today right after school in front of the stage in Fuller, not in the basement. Make sure you have completed the three prompts Mr. Ryan sent.


An Air Force recruiter will be on campus today during C block in the C101 conference room. Feel free to stop by during your lunch block.


A reminder that the Clear River Review launch will take place in the library tonight at 7pm. All are encouraged to attend!


Juniors — Please check your stjlabs email for a link to the Red Sox Raffle page on the “Class of 2025” Canvas page. Everything that you need to sell digital raffle tickets is there.


Ready to hike to the top of a local peak, chase away the last of the snow, and see some early spring wildflowers? Join Mrs. Mackenzie and Mr. Demsky as they hike Mount Pisgah this Saturday — all students are welcome! The bus will leave Brantview Drive at 11a.m. and return by 4p.m., and microspikes will be provided. If you’d like to come, please pick up a permission slip in the Student Life office. There will be a mandatory trip meeting with Mr. Holden tomorrow in the Alumni Gym at the beginning of CP. Hope to see you there!


And now — Mr. Camelio’s Joke of the Week: Whoever said, “Out of sight, out of mind” never had a spider disappear in their bedroom. 😊


Happy Birthday today to Andrew Lerner!


Congratulations to Will and Wes Barlow for winning this year’s Talent Show! As the winner of this year’s show, they were given the choice of which charity to donate the proceeds to. We raised $305 which they have decided to donate to the Lego First Robotics Club at the St. Johnsbury School. Thank you to Will and Wes for their generosity and thank you to all the performers for making this year’s show a big success.


Girls Lacrosse beat Lyndon Institute, 16-6, last night. The Varsity team played the first half of the game scoring 12 goals, and the JV team held that lead adding 4 more goals in the second half. Between the two teams, SJA had 40 different field players and 4 goalies who took turns in the net.  Congratulations to both teams!



UNIFIED BASKETBALL @ OXBOW 2:30, please release the team at 12:30


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