Daily Bulletin | Thursday

February 22, 2024

Green Day


Tomorrow is the deadline for registering for the PSAT10 or SAT. Please see Ms. Carr with any questions.


Attention Varsity Tennis Players — there will be an informational meeting for those interested in playing Varsity Tennis this spring today at 3:30 in Streeter 248. If you are currently participating in a team sport and can’t make the meeting, please contact Dr. Sayarath in the Science department.


Don’t forget — the Human Services class item drive is a great way to win a yummy basket of goodies. The advisory that donates the most items to support our community service project working with people experiencing homelessness will win. Diapers, wipes, and pet food are top choices followed by hygiene products. Drop boxes can be found outside of Streeter 225 or in the faculty mail room.


At the Alpine Northern District Alpine Championships, the boys team placed 3rd and the girls team placed 5th. Edwin Stephenson led the boys with a 6th place finish, while Macy Moore led the girls with a 16th place finish. 


Boys Varsity Hockey beat Milton, 4-3, last night.  Memphis Mastine, Evan Windrow, Sebastian Ahonen, and Connor Brigham scored for the Hilltoppers. Nate Delman had 35 saves in the net! Coach Windrow would like to thank Seniors Nate Cushing, Holden Newland, Eli Rexford, and Sebastian Ahonen for the hard work and dedication this season!


Happy Birthday today to Caleb Gilley and Julian Maguire!



GIRLS JV-B BASKETBALL @ MONTPELIER 5:30, please release the team at 3:00


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