Daily Bulletin | Thursday

December 7, 2023

White Day


The 9th Grade Health classes will meet in upstairs in South Church for class today.


Student Government will meet today right after school in Fuller Basement. Please see Mr. Ryan or Laura with any questions.


Attention Sophomore and Juniors, applications for National Honor Society officially open today. To be eligible to apply, students must have a cumulative grade point average of 88 or better and be in good academic and behavioral standing. Application information will be shared with you and your families later today. Please swing by the Streeter 266 Guidance Office and see Mrs. Reed with any questions about the application process. The application deadline is Friday, January 12, 2024.


Stop by the Tinker Health Center during exam week for some relaxation opportunities: tea and treats, meditation and guided imagery, art projects and more. 


Submissions for the Spring 2024 issue of The Clear River Review are now open! You can access the submission link via QuickLinks on the Academy homepage. Submit your short fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or visual work. This year there are additional requirements for visual submissions – you may submit photographs, drawings, intaglio prints, fashion design, or any other work produced in an Academy Art class. Please see the submission guidelines, or see Mrs. Mackenzie, Ms. Drew, or Mrs. Prevost with questions.


The Dance Department December Dance “Open House” will take place Saturday, December 9th at 7 PM and Sunday, Dec 10th at 2 PM in the Morse Black Box. All students, faculty, staff, families, and friends are invited to join the dancers in celebrating the end of the term. There is no charge to attend!


Topper Friends will not be meeting today. Safe and happy holidays and see you after vacation.


A reminder — the Outing Club is traveling to North Country Climbing Center this coming Sunday. Spots are limited, so get your permission slips soon from the front desk of the Field House or from Mr. Holden. 


Happy Birthday today to Zander Veilleux, Sam Emerson, William Carter, Sam Martin, and a special Happy Birthday to Sylvan Balcom from his advisory!



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