Daily Bulletin | Monday
Green Day
All 9th grade health classes will be meeting in Fuller Basement for class today.
Due to some members missing on Friday – all those who competed in the MathCon competition and scored in the top 10% for their grade, need to meet Mr. Legge again on the front steps of Fuller Hall immediately after Chapel for a photo.
Those trying out for softball – the 9th and 10th graders will practice from 6:30-7:30in the Alumni Gym, and the 11th-12th graders will practice from 7:30-8:30 in the Field House.
Are you interested in taking the ASVAB? On Friday, April 11th the test will be offered at a local school at 9am. They have some seats available for any who would like to take it. This opportunity is open to Sophomores through Seniors. Please stop by C101 and see Ms. Carr to sign up or to learn more.
A reminder to all Juniors, if you have an interest in politics, leadership, or public policy, don’t forget to see Mr. Mantius for information about the Boys and Girls State programs in June! Stop by Mr. Mantius’ classroom– Ranger 211– or send him an email to let him know you are interested or with any questions. All costs will be taken care of by sponsors and the Social Studies Department.
A big congratulations goes out to Tomoyuki Ohashi who celebrated his birthday yesterday. Tomo is one of our visiting Kaijo students. Happy birthday, Tomo!
Happy Birthday today to Alyana Mass and Kyra Nelson!