Physics: Systems of Matter, Motion, and Energy (Accelerated)

Credits: 1

This laboratory course draws on the disciplines of chemistry and physics to build scientific models of the interactions between matter, motion, and energy. Topics include motion in one dimension, Newton’s Laws, conservation laws, chemical equations, the periodic table, and electric circuits and electrochemistry. Emphasis is placed on developing strong science inquiry skills. The accelerated level of this course is intended for students who have a strong background and interest in mathematics and will use abstract reasoning extensively.


Prerequisites: Biology: Living and Chemical Systems (Accelerated) grade >85 or (Standard) grade >90 and Algebra II (Standard) or at least concurrent enrollment in Algebra II (Accelerated)


You’re Invited!

Fuller Hall in the Fall

Open House 2024

Thursday, November 7
Fuller Hall
Registration at 5:45 p.m.
Register in Colby Hall prior to the event.
The program begins at 6:30 p.m.


For prospective Students in grades 8-11