Daily Bulletin | Thursday

September 10, 2020

White Cohort Day


If you have not filled out your lunch request for next week, please do so by clicking on the link on your Advisory Page in Canvas. The link will close this morning at 8:45 a.m.!


Attention International Seniors! Registration for the October 10th TOEFL is now open. Any senior needing to take the TOEFL for college admissions should email Mrs. McCaffrey at mmccaffrey@stjlabs.com no later than September 18th. Due to COVID-19 policies and the need to socially distance, we will have fewer seats than usual for each test date and seniors will be given priority. Please email Mrs. McCaffrey with any questions.


Auditions for this year’s Hilltones, the Academy’s select vocal ensemble, will be today after school. Please sign up outside the Band Room, Morse 104. Details regarding requirements and location will be posted there.


Congratulations to Hannah Keith and Nico Sipples who won medals in the Continental Math League competition! Hannah and Nico — please be sure to stop by Mr. Kinsella’s office on the second floor of Severance to accept your awards!


Happy Birthday today to Bryce Pillsbury, Gavin Ghafoori, and Kirsten Alger.


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