Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Day
Juniors, please head directly to the amphitheater immediately after chapel today for our class photo!
Starting today, Fuller Basement will be closed off to all students, unless you are accompanied by an adult to access the CSRC room. If you prefer to use a single-stall bathroom, you may access them in the Nurses’ Office, in the Resident Life Office, in Mr. Reed/Mr. Guckin’s office space in Streeter Hall, or in the basement of the Morse building.
Student Government will meet on Thursday at 7:20 in the Mayo Lounge. Please contact Mr. Ryan if you have any conflicts. Please send Mr. Ryan feedback from your group if you have not done so already.
Are the mid-September blues getting you down? The senior class has you covered! Come show off your awesome moves this Saturday night in the Streeter Dining Hall, where we’ll host the “Welcome Back Dance” — the first dance of the school year. The dance goes from 8 to 10:30, and the doors close at 9. The price is $4 per person and $6 per couple. We can’t wait to see you there!
Juniors and seniors who are interested in international affairs and other international topics, and who are interested in meeting people who are experts on such topics should consider joining the Colwell Scholars. This group will meet with guests who are invited to the Academy to share their stories and insights. If you’re interested in becoming a part of this, please meet with Mr. Ehrean after school on Wednesday in Ranger 115.
Attention International Students — The registration deadline for the October 15th TOEFL is this Friday, September 23rd. Any student needing to take the October 15th TOEFL should stop by the Guidance Office to register with Mrs. McCaffrey.
Calling all College Bound Hilltoppers! The following colleges have visits today: Simmons University at 10 am, Northeastern University at 11 am, Keene State College at 12 pm, Tulane University of Louisiana at 1 pm, and Utica College at 2 pm. The following colleges have visits tomorrow: Regis College at 10 am and Binghamton University at 2 pm. Be sure to sign up for their visits on Naviance and to view all details. If you are scheduled to be in class during the time of the visit, please check in with your teacher before coming to the college visit. You are also required to return to class after the completion of the visit and attendance will be turned into the Main Office.
Interested in Traveling to India in April 2023? Please come to the informational meeting this Wednesday at 3:30 in Tinker House.
If you missed the meeting for the Iceland trip, but are still interested, make sure you check in with Mr. Weiss in Colby 209 as soon as possible. Paperwork needs to be in by the end of the week.
Thank you to all who showed up on Thursday for Theatre Tech. Please plan today to be there by 4:00 and we will plan to be there until 6:00. Any new students wishing to join, please feel free to stop by the Stagecraft Room in the basement of the Morse Center next to the Black Box.
Hilltopper Mountain Biking meets today at 3:30 on Brantview Drive.
The Maker Space will be open today from 3:45 to 4:45 for creativity and camaraderie. Come join us for 3D design, brainstorming projects, and more. The Maker Space is in Streeter 141, behind the dining hall.
The Printmaking Club, held every Wednesday after school, is a place where students come together to work in a collaborative environment, learn new skills, make friends, and produce fine works of art. If you stopped making potato-carved prints in kindergarten and wondered “what’s next?” join us every Wednesday to learn what’s possible. We might even have a few potatoes on hand.
Business Club will meet in S208 today directly after conference period. Today’s topic: Be Green to make some Green!
The Academy Historical Society meets today in the library archives. Want to learn how to preserve historical materials for posterity? Want to check out fabulous 80s and 90s fashion in old yearbooks? Join us to explore some treasures from school history today after CP.
If you would like to learn more about meditation and learn how to practice mindfulness, listen for more information in tomorrow’s Chapel announcements. Meditation Club meets tomorrow, Thursday, after Conference Period in Newell Hall 10.
What’s the only thing better than hiking up to catch a stunning foliage view? Taking a dip in the lake afterward to cool off! Join the Outing Club on Saturday, September 24th for an exploration of Mt. Pisgah and Lake Willoughby. First, we will work up a sweat on a beautiful hike, where we will be rewarded with some of the best views in the Kingdom. Then, we will refresh ourselves in the pristine waters of Lake Willoughby. We will depart from campus at 9:00 Saturday morning and return sometime in the mid-afternoon. If you are interested, please get a permission slip from campus life and plan on attending an information meeting right after the pep chapel in the main gym on Friday. See Mr. Brown, Mr. Buhner, or Mr. Holden for more details. Dare to explore!
US Government, our political system, our constitution, and our history — come to the informational meeting about Harvard Model Congress, a 4-day simulation of the US Government. This year’s Conference takes place in February of 2023 in Boston. The meeting will take place tomorrow, Thursday, September 22 after Conference Period in Colby 209. Check in with Mr. Weiss for more information.
And now Mr. Camelio’s Joke of the Week… I’m really terrible at math! Do you know what I’d have if I got 50 cents for every math exam I failed? I’d have 6 dollars and 30 cents. 😉
Happy Birthday today to Shione Miyadera, and a special Happy Birthday to Misumi Matsudo from the Smith Advisory!
Hilltopper Mountain Biking hosted its first ever mountain bike race this past Saturday at Kingdom Trails in Burke. Thirteen Academy students raced, including sophomore Sisu Lange and senior David Zajko, who finished 6th and 10th respectively in Category A, freshman Levi Breton, who finished 3rd in Category B, and freshman Rowan Warner, who finished 10th in Category C. At the midpoint of racing season, Hilltopper Mountain Biking is ranked 5th of 15 clubs in the state.
There is a boys and girls varsity golf match today at Orleans starting at 3:30pm. Please release the student-athletes at 1:30pm.
VARSITY/JV BOYS SOCCER @ BFA-ST. ALBANS 4:00/6:00, please release the teams at 12:30
VARSITY/JV FIELD HOCKEY vs. HARTFORD 4:00/5:15, please release the Varsity team at 2:30