Daily Bulletin | Wednesday
Green Cohort Day / Foreign Language Exams
A reminder to anyone who is signed up for the COVID-19 vaccine clinic today, please report to the Field House five minutes prior to your appointment time.
All Students, Faculty, and Staff: Don’t forget to order your lunch today for next week! Please do so by clicking on the link on your Advisory Page in Canvas. The link will close tomorrow morning at 8:45 a.m.
Attention AP students who have an exam tomorrow: Please check your stjlabs email today for important exam day instructions.
Seniors—Today is the day! Please stop by the Headmaster’s Office to pick up your cap and gown. Also, if you have paid your graduation fee, tickets for Class Day and Graduation can be picked up as well.
Hey Seniors! Stop by the Stowe Green today right after school to be in this year’s Senior Memories video! We want to hear about what YOU will miss here at SJA and all the good times you have had!
The Headmaster’s Office is looking for one senior who would be interested in giving the Benediction speech at Graduation. If you are interested, please stop by the Headmaster’s Office or email Mrs. Legendre at blegendre@stjacademy.org.
Attention Senior Auction Winners: Please be sure to make payment for your item or reach out to Mr. Dussault with your plans for payment by today. Thank you for supporting the Senior Class.
Attention student athletes planning to play a sport for the 2021 fall season: The Fall Sports Call-out Meeting will take place via Zoom this Friday, 5/21 at 11:45. Check your “stjlabs” account for Zoom meeting details. See you Friday!
Seniors—there’s not much time left to return your library books before you head out into the big world! Please find them and get them back to the library at your earliest convenience.
The Gay Straight Union will be meeting today at 3:30pm in Ranger 210. If you would like to attend in person or via Zoom, please email Mr. Quinn at emmet.quinn@stjalbs.com for more information.
Mr. Walker’s Acting II and III class with be live streaming a virtual performance of the short comedy “13 WAYS TO SCREW UP YOUR COLLEGE INTERVIEW” on Thursday evening at 7pm.”When two college recruiters at a prestigious university need to fill one last spot to keep their jobs, thirteen eccentric and slightly insane high school seniors are eager to come in for an interview. What seems like a simple task turns into a nightmare when the applicants turn out to be a reality TV star, a practicing vampire, an amateur magician, and others that are much, much worse. Each applicant’s interview hilariously illustrates what NOT to do at a college interview.” The play will be live streamed on Broadway on Demand. Please email Mr. Walker for the link. There is no charge to view.
Happy Birthday today to Patrick Hallett, Nevaeh Pillsbury, Miwa Ozawa, Amber Fuller and a special Happy Birthday to Nathan Cushing from his advisory!
TRACK & FIELD – NVAC FRESHMEN/SOPHOMORE MEET @ ESSEX 3:15, please release the teams at 11:45
Boys Varsity Lacrosse lost to Spaulding, 18-11, and the JV team lost, 9-6.
Girls Tennis lost to CVU, 5-2, and lost to Burlington, 6-1.
Varsity Girls Ultimate lost to Burlington, 15-5, and the JV team lost, 13-1.
Varsity Boys Ultimate lost to Milton, 9-8.
Boys Tennis lost to Burlington High School, 6-1, but beat CVU, 4-3.
Varsity Baseball lost in extra innings, 5-4, to Mt. Mansfield.
Varsity Softball beat Mt. Mansfield, 26-2, and the JV team won, 12-11.
Yesterday at Bellows Falls, the junior and senior members of the track and field teams competed in a 4-team meet. The boys won with Carson Smires capturing both hurdle races, and Jaden Thomson with the 100 and 400 m dashes. Hannah Angell continued her dominant season with wins in the shot and discus, Isabel Bostic won the high jump, 300 hurdles, and long jump, and Desiree Mendez won the 100 hurdles to lead the girls to the win.